Monday, March 19, 2018

Before the storm

"Before the storm" 2018
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"There is peace even in the storm" -Vincent van Gogh
- The Letters of Vincent van Gogh

Friday, March 16, 2018

As the feathers fell

"As the feathers fell" 2018
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"It's not enough to have the feathers. 
You must dare to fly." 
- Cass van Krah 

Lion's Gate Bridge

"Lion's Gate Bridge - Painted" 2018
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5 

"Oh, how beautiful an old bridge looks!
 You know why? Because it helped so many people
 crossover in every condition! Can you see
 the pure goodness and the beautiful 
devotion in an old worn bridge?" - Mehmet Murat Ildan 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Moonlight Migration

"Moonlight Migration" 2018
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation
 - Samsung 8

"Some birds are not meant to be caged,
that's all. 
Their feathers are too bright,
their songs too sweet and wild.
 So you let them go,
or when you open the cage to feed them 
they somehow fly out past you.
And the part of you that
 knows it was wrong to imprison them
in the first place rejoices, 
but still the place where you live is that
 much more drab and empty for their departure." 
- Stephen King,
Rita Hayworth 
and Shawshank Redemption:
A story from different seasons

Solitude In Moonlight

"Solitude In Moonlight" 2018
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation
- Samsung 8

"I want to be in love
with you 
the same way I am
in love with the moon 
with the light shining out of its soul"
 - Sanober Khan 


 "Reverie" 2024 Copyright Julie Nygaard Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon