Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Human Cubes

"Human Cubes" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"Cities are more than the sum of their infrastructure. 
They transcend brick and mortar, concrete and steel. 
They're the vessels into which human knowledge
 is poured." - Rick Yancey, The Last Star

Three Black Cats

Custom design I made for my friend Jessica!

"Three Black Cats" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018

The Waves

"The Waves"
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"The sea, to be happy, like hearts, 
must be stirred" - Will Advise

The Fire Within

"The Fire Within" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"To create is to live twice"
 - Albert Camus

Friday, October 19, 2018

Downtown Grace

"Downtown Grace - Vancouver, B.C." 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography - Canon T5

The city always has stories to tell and much to hide as well.
 It is up to us to see, not just with opened eyes, but with 
an open mind and heart as well. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Rippled Cityscape

"The Rippled City" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018 
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"I gradually became aware that my interiority was inseparable 
from my exteriority, that the geography of my city,
 was the geography of my soul." - Aleksander Hemon

Leaves - Blustery Day

"Leaves - Blustery Day" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"Every falling leaf reminds me that I too soon will be
separated from these trees. Trying to capture freedom is like
 trying to catch a falling leaf.  Occasionally you may grab
 one out of the air and hold it in your hands, but now what? " 
- Daniel J. Rice, This Side of a Wilderness 

Autumn Slumber - Dandelions

"Autumn Slumber - Dandelions" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"Nestle into the feathers of the ravens wings while it takes flight to deliver 
you safely past slumber & into your space of dreams" - Truth Devour, Wantin 


Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but 
three summer days - three such days with you I could fill with 
more delight than fifty common years could 
ever contain" -  John Keats, Bright Star: 
Love Letters And Poems Of John Keats to Fanny Brawne

Promethean Chained

"Promethean Chained" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018 
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5 

Prometheus, a titan in Greek mythology,
who gave mortals fire, which he stole from Zeus and the gods. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Blackbird In Flight

"Blackbird In Flight" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"Every bird that flies has the thread of the 
infinite in its claw." - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Dial Your Number x3

"Dial Your Number" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2017
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5
"I love to talk about nothing. Its the only thing I
 know anything about." - Oscar Wilde 

Nautical Forest

"Nautical Forest" 2012
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"And I shall watch the ferry boats, and they'll get high,
On a bluer ocean against tomorrow's sky,
And I will never grow so old again,
And I will walk and talk, in gardens all wet with rain." 
- Van Morrison  "Sweet Thing" 
Lit Up Inside: Selected Lyrics

Neptune's Memory

"Neptune's Memory" 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2012
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"Your heart is like the ocean, mysterious
and dark." - Bob Dylan 


Copyright Julie Nygaard 2018
Digital Photography - Canon T5

"May you soar on eagle's wings, high above the 
madness of the world." - Jonathan Lockwood Huie


 "Reverie" 2024 Copyright Julie Nygaard Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon