Thursday, May 30, 2019

Portals Gallery June 2019

I will be showing my creations next month, with a few 
artists at the Portals Gallery which is located at the 
Island Savings Centre in Duncan, B.C. 
Hope to see you there! 

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Colors Within

"The Colors Within" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"The soul becomes dyed with the colors of its thoughts." 
- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 

The Dream II - Flight

"The Dream II - Flight" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"Now that she has nothing to lose, she was free."
 - Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Artist Meet & Greet this upcoming weekend @ Excellent Frameworks

Artist Meet And Greet this upcoming Saturday! 
Come by and see me in person 
Saturday May 25 2019 
12pm to 3pm @ Excellent Frameworks! 
I will be there to answer questions about my artwork! 
Hope to see you there! Smaller prints are available and art cards as well! 
Let's make this an event to remember! 
Help support our local gallery and our local artists 
here in the Cowichan Valley! We need you! 

Please share and hope to see you there! 

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Ripple Effect

"The Ripple Effect" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"Consciousness is a vast ocean and thinking is the waves and 
ripples on the surface of the ocean"
 - Eckhart Tolle

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

White Raven II - Flight

"White Raven II - Flight" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

Always show your true colors...never be afraid to be YOU! 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Dreams Of A Far Away Place

"Dreams Of A Far Away Place" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"All that we see or seem is but a dream 
within a dream."  - Edgar Allan Poe 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

May The 4Th Be With You

Wishing everyone a Happy Star Wars Day! 

Digital Photography - Canon 
Copyright Julie Nygaard 2017

Octopus Garden II - Spring

"Octopus Garden II - Spring" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"Those who live by the sea can hardly form a single 
thought which the sea would not be part." 
- Hermann Broch

Friday, May 3, 2019

Immaterial 2019

I am looking forward to sharing a selection of creations at 
Excellent Frameworks Gallery this month! 

With The Winds Of Change - Part II

"With The Winds Of Change - Part II" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

'Stepping onto a brand new path is difficult, but not more difficult 
than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing
 to the whole woman. "
- Maya Angelou 

With The Winds Of Change

"With The Winds Of Change" 2019 
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone 
across the waters to create many ripples." 
- Mother Teresa 

Heart Signals - Blue

"Heart Signals - Blue" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"To weep is to make less the depth of grief." 
- William Shakespeare, King Henry VI, Part III

Healing Moon Eagle

"Healing Moon Eagle" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard 
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything."
 - C.S.Lewis, A Grief Observed 

For Chris, with all my heart....

Time - Movement III

"Time - Movement III" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"She writes things with her movements that I for the life of me 
could never write with a pen." - Christopher Poindexter 

Time - Movement II

"Time - Movement II" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

Life is full of movement, we must learn how to ride the waves...

At Rest

"At Rest" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography - Canon


"Creation" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"I'm always thinking about creating. My future starts
 when I wake up in the morning and see the light."
 - Miles Davis 

The Murder - Forage II

"The Murder - Forage II" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon/Samsung

"To hatch a crow, 
a black rainbow 
bent in emptiness 
over emptiness
but flying" 
- Ted Hughes, 
Crow: From The Life And Songs Of The Crow 


"Life" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"To live is one of the most rarest things in the world. 
Most people exist, that is all. " - Oscar Wilde 

Beauty Surrounds

"Beauty Surrounds" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

Look not only with your eyes.....

The Dream

"The Dream" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." 
- Eleanor Roosevelt 

Time - Movement

"Time - Movement" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness.
And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream."
- Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet 

Then Spring Came

"Then Spring Came" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

The change of the seasons always brings new beauty to behold...

White Raven

"White Raven" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon T5

"The beauty of the trees, the softness of the air, the fragrance of the grass, speaks to me.
The summit of the mountain, the thunder of the sky, the rhythm of the sea, speaks to me.
The strength of the fire, the taste of salmon, the trail of the sun, and the life that never goes away, they speak to me.
And my heart soars"
- Chief Dan George 


 "Reverie" 2024 Copyright Julie Nygaard Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon