Sunday, June 30, 2019


"Namaste" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"Silence is sometimes the best answer." - Dalai Lama XIV

The Art Coop - my new adventure

Grand Opening Monday July 1 2019
10 AM - 5 PM
Special Reception 3 PM - 5 PM
Located in the heart of the Cowichan Valley, just outside Duncan, B.C. 
Off the T.C.H. in Koksilah ( look for the signs) 
Hope to see you there! 
I am sharing the space with four incredible artists...four fellow hens who are,
Pauline Dueck
Morgan Ann Designs
Shades Of Green Pottery ( Janet Magdanz and Beverly Russell)

The Watch

"The Watch" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"To soar with eagles, all you need to do is 
believe that you can fly." 
- Anthony T. Hincks

West Coast - Full Moon

"West Coast - Full Moon" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"I could see every pebble on the path, 
and every blade of grass, 
by that splendid moon."
 - Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights 

Lion's Gate - Spiral

"Lion's Gate - Spiral" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"That's the place to get to - nowhere. One wants to wander away from the world's somewheres, into our own nowhere." 
- D.H. Lawrence, Woman In Love 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Butter Church

"The Butter Church"  2018
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography - Canon 

The beautiful Butter Church, located in the Cowichan Valley.  


I was looking through my files and here is one 
of my of my favorite humans. 
Missing my days taking portraits and hoping that sooner than later, 
I can take more work on again with health permitting. 

"Kyle - Sand texture"  2018
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

Monday, June 24, 2019


"Transformation" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."
-T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets 

Layers - Life Experiences

"Layers - Life Experiences" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"Life is a succession of lessons which must 
be lived to be understood." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Wild

"The Wild" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"Each summer's night, the woods abound with sounds. 
And I always thought how wonderful nature 
sings even when it's asleep. " 
- Craig D. Lounsbrough

Then Summer Came

"Then Summer Came" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves 
growing on the trees, just as things 
grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction
 that life was beginning over again 
with the summer." 
- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

June - The Awakening

"June - The Awakening" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

June has always been a month of reawakening for me. 
Not only is it the month I began my existence in this lifetime,
 I also see it as a month of starting over again...a time of reflection
 and growth, as I gain another year of life, another year of experiences. 
Looking forward to the journey as always. Life is ART. 


"Twilight" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"How far that little candle throws his beams! 
So shines a good deed in a weary world." 
- William Shakespeare, The Merchant Of Venice 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Untitled Memory - A poem

I love going through some of my poems from years gone by. 
This one in particular I wrote around 1991-92 and was 
published in a local poetry book in 2010 called
Out Of The Warm Land.
I will, at some point, put my personal writings 
and poetry to my visual creations.  I have added my
written works to a
few creations in the past. 

Untitled Memory 

"Sitting in a state of confusion 
Thoughts go through my head
Not knowing what is right
Not knowing what is wrong
The truth seems so far away
Mind over matter
Things clutter my brain
Fill my head -
I don't want to remember you"

- Julie Nygaard 

sin lluvia no hay flores

"sin lluvia no hay flores" 2019 
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

"At night I dream that you and I are two plants
that grew together, roots entwined, 
and that you know the earth and the rain like my mouth, 
since we are made of earth and rain." 
- Pablo Neruda, Regalo de un Poeta 

To Sail - Monochrome

"To Sail - Monochrome" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"Hark, now hear the sailors cry, 
Smell the sea and feel the sky, 
Let your soul and spirit fly,
into the mystic"
- Van Morrison 

Siwash Rock Pop Art

"Siwash Rock Pop Art" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

Located in Stanley Park in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. 
Legend surrounds this beautiful, natural made rock formation by 
the local Squamish Nation. Visited by tourists from near and
 far, a place of passing by those walking the Stanley Park Seawall, 
Siwash Rock, a natural monument for all people. 

Beauty In The Beast

"Beauty In The Beast" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

I love how this came into being from a photograph of a rose in my garden. 

"Creativity connects me to my truest self and vulnerability. 
There is nothing more personally liberating than reaching for my face 
and peeling of the social mask that hides my shadow self, pain and weakness. 
When I produce from this place of truth, the results transform both
 creator and beholder."  - Jaeda DeWalt 


"Branches" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

I have been so blessed to have many of my childhood 
friends still in my life. We have all taken different 
roads but we will always be connected. 

Flight Over The City - Blackbirds Of Burnaby

"Flight Over The City - Blackbirds Of Burnaby" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon

The incredible journey of the blackbirds back and forth daily 
from Burnaby to downtown Vancouver then back again. 
It is a sight to behold. 

"In order to see birds it is necessary to 
become a part of the silence." 
-Robert Lynd 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Calling Of The Blackbird - Estuary

"Calling Of The Blackbird - Estuary" 2019
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 


 "Reverie" 2024 Copyright Julie Nygaard Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon