Thursday, January 14, 2021




"Two" 2021

Copyright Julie Nygaard

Digital Photography - Canon 

"When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. 

When we strive to become better than we are, 

everything around us becomes better too." 

- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Healer

 "The Healer" 2021
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"and here you are living 
despite it all" 
- Rupi Kaur,
The Sun and Her Flowers


 "Timeless" 2021 
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve.
 Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and 
fruit cannot grow without water. But there 
must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will
 heal in time, and when it does,
 the memory and love of our lost ones
 is sealed inside to comfort us."
 - Brian Jacques

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Flight Of Discovery

 "Flight Of Discovery" 2021 
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"The real voyage of discovery consists not
 in seeking new landscapes,
 but in having new eyes." 
- Marcel Proust 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


"Awake" 2021 
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"When we are asleep in this world, 
we are awake in another." 
- Salvador Dali 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

To the forest, to the center

 "To the forest, to the center" 2020
Copyright Julie Nygaard 
Digital Photography Manipulation - Samsung 

"Let go of your mind then be mindful. 
Close your ears and listen!".
- Rumi, Love's Ripening: Rumi on the Heart's Journey 

We will be together

 "We will be together" 2020
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Samsung

"When twilight drops her curtain down
And pins it with a star
Remember that you have a friend
Though she may wander far." 
- L.M. Montgomery 

Another Place, Another Time

 "Another Place, Another Time" 2021
Copyright Julie Nygaard
Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon 

"The world is awash with colours unseen and abuzz with 
unheard frequencies. Undetected and disregarded.
 The wise have always known that these inaccessible 
realms, these dimensions that cannot be breaches by our
 beautifully blunt senses, hold the very codes to our 
existence, the invisible, electromagnetic foundations 
upon which our gross reality clumsily rests."- 
 Russell Brand, Revolution 


 "Reverie" 2024 Copyright Julie Nygaard Digital Photography Manipulation - Canon